I am so excited to be offering Sweetheart Sessions at Krystal's Playhouse here in Castaic on January 23 and 25 from 5-8pm. I am taking sign-ups but walk-ins are also welcome. The $40 session fee for this includes:*Valentine's Day Mini-Session with our giant lolipops* 5x7 portrait* One hour of FREE play at Krystal's Playhouse, a drop-off activity center for kids -- this one hour can be right before or right after your session (there is a nearby coffee shop, grocery store, and nail spa for mom!)
I know some of you are sitting on the edges of your seats for that January photo charm give-away! =) I can give you some hints....next week I will post the contest here on the blog . To win, you will need to be the first person who comments on that post and answers 5 trivia questions correctly via email to me. The first person who comments might not have the correct trivia answers so it pays to try even if you are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or higher person. So, to comment on the blog, you will need a google account (it asks only for an email address and password, no personal info). You can get one by clicking on "comments" at the end of this post. You can even comment on another post just to practice. The 5 answers to the trivia questions can be found on the blog or my website so being familiar with them will help you wth speed. Okay, that's all the hints for now.....
Sounds fun!
I'm in!!!
can't wait
It's on!
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