You might remember her from last year as Brandon. Shortly after our bunny sessions last year, Brandon had a litter of baby bunnies and changed her name to Brandy. She has grown so much in the last year . Her fur is darker and as you can see, she hasn't lost her baby weight yet. =) Here she is last year - look at those little spots she had...
This is Brandy now - bigger but as friendly as ever!
These are Brandy's babies. We kept the runt, Princess Sprinkles. Not only was she the smallest, but she was also born with a broken foot or hurt it when she was really tiny. She gets around just fine but has a unique little hop. She's the one in the upper right corner of this photo.

These are Brandy's babies. We kept the runt, Princess Sprinkles. Not only was she the smallest, but she was also born with a broken foot or hurt it when she was really tiny. She gets around just fine but has a unique little hop. She's the one in the upper right corner of this photo.

Then, as you've read, we brought home Sally a few weeks ago. I really wanted a lop. My youngest carries her around the house like a doll and she is happy to sit there and let him. She is the cuddliest, softest bunny.

THEN, a week after bringing home Sally, we got a call from our neighbor who spotted a bunny in the driveway and was sure one of ours had escaped. Nope, not our bunny. This is Lucky who was lost or abandoned at our house. After many unsuccessful attempts to find his family, we had him neutered and let him stay. Any bunny who falls asleep when you cradle him like a baby deserves a good home. I personally think someone left him here hoping we'd keep him. Now don't go getting any ideas. This place isn't going to become Mitzi's Photography and Rabbit Rescue! Four is absolutely, positively the most I will allow.

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