You're all going to think I am so weird after this post. I know so many of your little ones get that red, chappy skin with this winter weather. Logan used to get it SO bad. I'd drop off a perfect little boy at school and pick up a miserable, red-faced guy later on. I finally found something that works. On the night of his worst cold weather rash ever, I put this Aquaphor on his face before bed and he woke up completely better. Now I put a little bit on his face every single day to prevent rashes. Logan has really sensitive skin - breaks out with most sun screen, soap, and lotions so this stuff is really gentle. Available at any drug store. There's my little tip of the week. :)
Mitzi, that tip is not weird! My son has eczema so I know exactly what you're talking about! We just use regular 'ol Vaseline, though, and it works in the same way you are describing. We are so familiar with the cold weather redness!
That is funny that you blogged that. Just today I tried it. I keep getting these samples after having Nolan and I have like 4 of those and never used it. I tried it on my hands and thought it was too greasy but that is a good tip for their little faces. Tatum gets such dry skin in the months. Thanks for the tip!
Even stranger, but very effective as well...lanolin cream (Lansinoh, Pure-Lan). This is the stuff I used while breastfeeding, and I had several tubes left over. It is super thick, but works great for chapped lips. Kami had been licking her lips and the skin under her bottom lip until it was red raw. I used this on her, and by morning, it was almost 100% better. I use it nightly on my own lips. :)
Mitzi...it's not weird at all! I've been using it for 7 years ever since Natalie had eczema as a baby. Her eczema is long gone but it works great on chapped lips and dry, cracked knuckles in the winter :) We can't live without it and we have a tube of it everywhere...in the car, in my purse, in the bathroom...you get the picture!
You guys are so far ahead of me! I wish I knew about this when Megan was little. Before Aquaphor and photoshop were in my life, I had scrapbooks full of a chapped-face little girl! :)
I also use it on Livvie. She has super dry skin too. I love it! Something you didn't know about kid stuff!!!!
Not weird at all! We use it all over the girls for dry patches and these tiny bumps they get. We even use it on ourselves...it's great for dry elbows and feet!
I use it on my kids all the time for their dry skin. But, I was originally told to use it for baby acne. It worked. Who knew??
Lisa Ellis
Really? For baby acne? New moms would LOVE to know that!
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